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A lot of people ask how to make kamas in the shortest possible time.  So outlined below are a number of possible ways to make kamas so that you can choose whichever route suits you.

First of all, there is no quick and easy way to earn kamas. Everyone works hard to earn kamas but remember that dofus is like any other economy (supply and demand are important).  Whatever is in short supply will have a higher demand so you will make more kamas and you will make them quicker.  As long as you keep this in mind we can proceed onto the ways of making kamas. 

a) Quests

Assuming that you start off by exploring Incarnam, you should be fully familiar with characters with an exclamation mark over their head, that these quest givers are your initial source of kamas. There are many quests available and some of them have level restrictions so do check in periodically with the various NPCs (Non-Player Characters). A good quest list is available from the Dofus Wiki (the link is on the web-site page).

b) Mobs hunting 

You can make kamas from mobs hunting.  It is a by-process while leveling your character and doesn't really require any additional effort, nor does it really make you rich.  However, for beginners who want to make a quick buck it is ok.  Certain creatures give more kamas than others.  Gobballs generally gives more kamas.

c) Resources

The horns, the legs, the feathers are all extremely valuable. Creature drops are used in various crafts as well as used in exchanges for scrolls.  The market prices for resources can be very variable. The problem though is a lot of people try to make a quick buck and sell their resources cheaper than anyone else which forces the price down.

d) Gathered materials (Professions)

Taking up one of the gathering professions.  You can gather a heap of stuff in dofus so become a Farmer, Lumberjack, Miner, Alchemist, Hunter or Fisherman and then sell the stuff you have gathered.  Gathering professions can be boring but they are the only professions that you are guaranteed a sale on because of the way the game is played.  Gathered resources are destroyed on use (wheat is destroyed on making bread) and so resources are always needed.  This guarantees you sell your gathered resources.

e) Crafting (Professions)

The next step up would be to take up one of the many crafting professions and start making stuff to sell.  You could be a Baker, Jeweler, Butcher, Shoemaker, Tailor, Handyman, Fishmonger, Staff Carver, Wand carver, Bow carver, Sword smith, Dagger smith, Shield smith, Hammer smith, Shovel smith, or Axe smith.  You will need to spend some kamas to make kamas from these professions.  And the hard fact of crafting is that not everything you can make is sought after so it might not sell quickly.  And some things do not sell at all.  Check out the sellroom to see what is selling before making something.  Sometimes people link have a gathering profession and a crafting profession - such as Farmer and then Baker.  Apparently Wholemeal bread sells well.

f) Magers - Profession above lvl60

This is for p2p people only.  Once you have got some the crafting professions to level 65 you can become a Mager.  Being a Mager allows you to increase the statistics of equipment which make them more likely to sell or sell at a higher price.

g) Investing - "Buy low, Sell high".

Sometimes called arbitrage, this is when you buy something and then sell it back for a higher price a short time later.  Sometimes people sell things way too cheap because they need the kamas straight away.  If you buy that item and then sell it for the normal price you can make yourself kamas.  There is a high level of risk involved in this type of kama making but the rewards could be good.  On the down side you could be stuck with something that sells for less than you buy it for but that's the risk.  An example of this would be when you have 50 gobball horns - so you could sell 5X10 gobball horns or you could buy another 50 and then sell 1X100 gobball horns - check what the average price is because sometimes 100 is a better average price - so you have bought low and sold high :)

The Art of Selling
There are a couple of different ways to sell your stuff:-

  • merchant mode for P2P players
  • the sellrooms in Astrub, Bonta and Brak
  • advertising in the trading channel.

Putting things in the sellrooms is just like putting your items on eBay - the problem is that it incurs a charge.  You should note that the charge is higher in Astrub than in Bonta and Brak.  Going into merchant mode incurs a lower charge but there is a restriction of only 6 merchants allowed on a map (except for the market areas around [0,0]).

Remember the Two Golden Rules:
1) An item is worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it.
2) An item is worth nothing if no one is going to buy it.


page last update 24/12/08