Australian Warriors




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Guild photos

2nd January 2009

From left to right - front row: Epic-Bramblez, HighlandPrincess, MissSacrier, Neo-defender, The-Black-Death, Ultimate-Feca, LumberJackWorker(invisible), framed, Osa-Edd,  Demon-rush, Redshirte-mage, Times-Dawn, WanderingWizard.  Back row: RoninWarrior, Rofl-Eni, Reaper-Mage, Doodah, Cruel-arrowz, Sadi-Royalty, Rauseo, Happyman


Photos Pre 2009


Clockwise from about 3 o'clock where WanderingWizard is sitting (he's wearing King Jellix's Crown), then Skittels, MissSacrier, --Sad--, MrAlf, HighlandPrincess, Timecommand, LumberJackWorker, RoninWarrior.


Left to right: Magi-man, Timecommand, Kikidy, LumberJackWorker, HighlandPrincess (in front), Wraith-Master, Many-Choices, Happyman, --Sad--, MissSacrier (in front), WanderingWizard, MrAlf and RoninWarrior


Left to right: Many-Choices, Kikidy, --Sad--, Deep-Hangover, Magi-man, Devils-bow, MrAlf, LumberJackWorker, Yura-Yura, WanderingWizard, Timecommand, RoninWarrior, HighlandPrincess, Happyman, and MissSacrier

page last update 24/12/08